That Darn Cat!

For goodness sakes, Gregory drives me
to work in the morning.

At night he picks me up
and he takes me home.

If he wants to go
to all that trouble,

the least I can do
is be courteous if he asks me to dinner.

How can you be so blind?
It began with
the old car pool routine, right?

Why shouldn't it? His law office
happens to be next door to where I work.

But the point is, there used to be
five people in that car,

then Gregory traded in his sedan
for a two-seater sports car.

And Mr. Burke,
Miss Patters and Miss Mosely

were ruthlessly squeezed out
to find other transportation, correct?

- Now, listen...
- Creeping matrimony, that's what it is.

The car pool, the duck dinner,
a movie here and there.

Inky, you're taking the gas
and you don't even know it.

Thank you, dear,
I'm sure you mean well,

but I think I can handle
the Gregory situation

in my own bumbling way.
I'm sorry, but I suppose at your age,
when that important person
hasn't come into your life,

- well...
- Well, what?

Well, I suppose a tinge,
just the faintest tinge, of desperation,
begins to blow your judgment.

Good night.
I can assure you, there is no tinge
of desperation in my outlook.

- And my vision is exceptionally clear.
- Good.

Which, I might add,
brings us to your friends.

- My friends?
- Yes, dear.

The one we've been tripping over
all these years.

Canoe? That's very unfair.
Canoe is...
well, he's just defenseless.

He's very sweet and young, and...
...needs help.
- I certainly agree he needs something.

Doesn't he do anything
but mope around in shorts

- and eat us out of house and home?
- Just shows how little you know him.

- Canoe has plenty of ambition.
- What?

To be the first 50-year-old surfer
at Santa Monica?

If you ask me, he's...
What's the matter?

DC's wearing a wristwatch.
Well, what will that dear, sweet,
innocent cat be bringing home next?
