The Flight of the Phoenix

No, don't think about it now.
She'll be all right. She'll be fine.

Do you have any kind of liquor

Well, there's still some morphine left.
Wouldn't that be better?

I would like to save it
for when the pain gets worse.

Cause of crash: pilot error.
All right if we issue
the water ration now?

Sure, go ahead.
- Work something out?
- Yes, I think so.

Could I have your attention, please?
We have something important
to say concerning our water supply.

Now, there is just under
a full measure for each of us here.

Dr. Renaud informs me that we shall
require, as an absolute minimum...

:19:00 pint of water per person
per day. Is that right?

Yes, that's right.
Now, on the basis of the 15 gallons
in the emergency tank...

...that gives us roughly 10 to 11 days.
That is, of course, if we just sit here
and don't exert ourselves in any way.

Hey, Lightning, do you hear that?
You're not to wear yourself out.

As we are somewhat off our original
course, unless we are certain...

...of being picked up, we ought to make
do with the absolute minimum.

- Is that understood?
Hear, hear.

- Hear, hear.

- All right, Mr. Towns?
- Sounds reasonable.

If we have enough water
for all that time...

...couldn't we set aside
a little bit for washing?

- Washing?
What a dumb thing.

Hey, captain.
What are we supposed to do for grub?

I reckon we ought to eat the monkey.
As far as food is concerned,
we seem to be singularly fortunate.
