The Flight of the Phoenix

...and then rest as best
we can during the day.

We leave at sundown this evening.
Sergeant Watson, would you come here?

I'll take Sergeant Watson and anybody
else who wants to come with me.

Volunteers, give me your names...
...and we'll start making
the preparations.

Captain Harris?
You wanted to know our position.
If you'd like to come over here,
I'll show you.

Now, gentlemen, we're in
the middle of this circle...

...which runs through
the three water points.

That's Marada in the north, Tazerbo
in the east and Namous in the south.

Marada is 106.
Say, London to Birmingham.
Marada's not a city,
it's a flea-bitten waterhole...

....with some borax quarries,
an oil well and a few lousy palm trees.

Well, that's our objective then, Marada.
Say, captain...
:33:01 done much marching
in desert terrain?

- On exercises and that sort of thing.
- How far?

Ten or 15 miles.
Full equipment, of course.

- Plenty of water, I suppose?
- Sufficient.

Look, I don't know what your practical
navigation's like, mine's not bad.

But I wouldn't march
10 paces from here.

In the daytime,
it's hitting 120 in the shade...

....and out there, there is no shade.
If you could take as much
as four pints a day with you...

-'d still be sweating 10.
- We intend marching by night.

Fine, well, precisely in what direction?
- There are compasses, you know.
That's fine.

That's just fine.
Someday I'll have you tell me...

...what your compass was reading as
you passed the Jebel Haroudj Mountains.

They're mostly magnetic rock...
...and that sort of makes nonsense
out of the compass.

- One can navigate by the stars.
- If you marched 106 miles by the stars...
