The Flight of the Phoenix

I don't understand. Can they see
him from up there or can't they?

Of course not, he's just
looking at the view.

Haven't you been up there? Lovely.
There's a big lake on the other side.
They got speedboats, everything.

Frank, he's got six hours' start on you.
How far could he get without water?
He didn't even stop to take
a canteen. And it's my fault.

- I should have watched him.
- Even if you find him, what can you do?

What can we do? You'll be just
as badly off as Harris would be.

I'm gonna bring him back, Lew.
You will see we have all we need:
Welding torches, steel cable,
all the tools we need.

For example, this here,
it all looks quite adequate.

- Why were they being returned?
- You know what engineers are like.

They just love shiny new tools, especially
if someone else is paying for them.

The prototype I have in mind would
have to fly at the first attempt.

To achieve that, Mr. Moran, requires
a pilot of quite outstanding capabilities.
