The Flight of the Phoenix

Are you suggesting we string people
on top of that wing...

:55:03 sacks of potatoes?
They'll be behind fairings.
Never mind fairings!
We got an injured man in there.

The doctor says
he can't even be moved.

You're suggesting we tack
him onto this thing...

...and bounce him around
like a wrangler in a rodeo?

That is not what I had in mind,
Mr. Towns.

With the material
and personnel available...

...this project would require
at least 12 days.

How long did you say Mr. Scarnati
might be expected to live? Six days?

Perhaps less.
See, the problem does not even arise.
Mr. Scarnati will remain here.

Why, you really are a miserable-
Even with the men, the wing loading
will be half that of the sky truck.

We shall leave the hull, starboard boom,
undercarriage, chanson on the ground.

Now, any more questions?
Yeah! Yeah, I have a few.
Now, let's see if I've got this straight.

You're gonna unzip that starboard wing,
lift it up from the other side...

...and tag it onto this port boom.
Is that correct?

Well, yes. The tapers
will be the wrong way, but-

The tapers? Forget about the tapers!
You know what that wing weighs?

I would estimate it at something
just over a ton.

That's just about right.
There are eight of us.

Do you think you can lift
250 pounds, Mr. Dorfmann?

We use wedges and levers.
There is also a winch
and we can construct an A-frame.

All right, we'll have levers and wedges
and we'll throw in a winch.

This bunch is living on pressed dates
with a sip of water once in a while.

In a couple days, nobody's gonna have
the strength to do anything around here.

That is a very good point.
The heavy work will be done first.
The wing will be moved tonight.

- Tonight?
- Yes, I've worked out...

...a simple winding gear for use
with the starboard generator...

...which will keep the batteries charged
and provide lighting.

I see no immediate problems.
Unless you have some more questions,
I still have some calculations to make.
