The Hill

Morning, Harris.
- Morning, Sir!

You the new Staff?
- Sir!

Name, Staff?
- Staff Williams, Sir.

Staff! You gonna keep
them line dodgers idling all day?

Worked in the civvy jails, haven't you?
- Yes, Sir.

And Aldershot?
-Yes, Sir.

Why give up the comforts of civvy life?
- I wanted overseas, Sir.

Gerry bombed the scrubs...
is that right?
- Yes, Sir.

Then you'll like it here,
nice and peaceful, ain't it, Staff Harris?

I'll do my job anywhere I'm sent, Sir.
Huh, enjoy prison work?
- Fancy I'm the right man for the job, Sir.

Do you? Staff Harris, here, don't reckon
himself as a man with a mission.

Is that right, Harris?
Well, there's other jobs, they can
still use men up front, Sir.

Then why the hell didn't you
join the commandos?

No... all I meant was...
I've done 25 years and where the
hell do you think I'd like to be right now?

Nobody's gonna pin a medal on us.
Now get this straight. One job's as
important as the next.

Is that clear?
- Sir!

New prisoners for release, Sir!
- Double them over here!

Carry on Jake.
- Sir!

About turn! Right turn!
Keep them knees up, keep them up!
Right, lets have your names. You?
743 Walters, Sir.
- Put your kit bag down. You?

158 Martin, Sir.
- Put your kit down.

Due for release, eh?
- Yes, Sir.

What we in for, Martin?
- Went absent, Sir.

You, Walters?
- Went absent, Sir.

You going absent again?
- No, Sir.

When they came to me they were on
the run. Living it up in Cairo, wasn't it?

- Yes, Sir.
- Yes, Sir.

Living with a couple of cabaret bints. Very
tough they was considering they was pimps.
