The Hill

D'you think that's funny?
- Well, no, I was...

I'll teach you, and everybody
else. Get into your kit.

Move it!
I'll teach you, and that
goes for the rest of you.

Move it I said! Double outside!
You dropped that little lad
right in it, didn't you Roberts.

Yeah, we're gonna be next if he
don't keep his big trap shut.

Don't make things worse
than they are, Roberts.

Look! He wants me.
And he wants you
cos you're the wrong colour.

The rest of you he doesn't
find all that interesting yet,

but he'll have you just the same.
The RSM likes making toy soldiers,
Williams likes braking them.

Now you all work out what
you're gonna do about it.

Maybe you're right,
but keep your big mouth shut

and don't give him too many opportunities.
How come you put one
on you Officer, Roberts?

He asked for it.
For ordering you up
the line, you mean?

For ordering me up the line.
Wasn't very considerate, was he?
Should've ordered you to a rest home.

I'd have volounteered for that.
You know, there's a yarn going round
that you beat up your Officer

and then ordered your lads out the line.
- Is that the story?
- That's what I heard.

It's true I stuck it on him.
- Why, Roberts?

Oh, you'll read all about
it when I write my memoirs.

How Joe Roberts saw action one
day and didn't fancy a second basin?

Well, I'll try and make it
read a bit better than that.

How's this?
Half the Regiment wiped out

but not gallant Sgt. Major Joe Roberts?
Couldn't have that, you see,
I was due weeks leave in Cairo.

The lads who'd gone in,
any of them still alive, Roberts?

Any of them still alive, Roberts?
