The Ipcress File

- Sort of.
- Any more money?

Let's see.
You're on 1300 pay and allowances.

Yes, sir.
- I'll try and get you 1400.
- Oh, thank you, sir.

- Now I can get that new infrared grill.
- Save your money.

You won't have much time for cooking.
Dalby works his men.

And he doesn't have
my sense of humour.

Yes, sir. I will miss that, sir.
All right, come on, I'll take you over.
Er, the B-107, must that go with us?
I'm afraid so.
Come along, Palmer.
:12:05 take any old job...
:12:10, not weekends.
Oh. Good morning, sir.
The butler you asked for
is upstairs waiting to be interviewed.

Just go through the door,
along the passage and up the stairs.

- Got it?
- Er, yes, thank you.

Do you mind waiting?
...I don't think I'm difficult,
it's just these jobs.

Well, I mean...
Good morning, Dalby.
- Good morning sir.
- I've just read your T-104.
