The Ipcress File

Shut the door.
It isn't usual to read a B-107
to its subject, Palmer,

but I'm going to put you straight.
"and a trickster...
"perhaps with criminal tendencies. "
Yes, that's a pretty fair appraisal.
- Sir.
- Good.

That last quality might be useful.
But if I have any trouble with you,
I shall bite you, Palmer,

and I shall bite you so hard you'll go
right back to where Ross found you.

Come with me.
A word in your shell-like ear.
If there's anything
to be reported to Ross, I report it.

- Understand?
- Yes, sir.

Thank you for a wonderful evening.
Spare us the jokes, Palmer, I don't have
Colonel Ross's sense of humour.

Yes, I will miss that, sir.
