The Ipcress File

You know Alice, of course. Now, then...
Oh, you may sit down.
There are only two people in Europe
operating on a scale large enough
to market Radcliffe.

One, codenamed Sparrow,
whom I've just been told by the French Sûreté,

was arrested two months ago
and they're still holding.

So, we are left with Erik Ashley Grantby,
codename Bluejay, born Albania 1918.
Thank you, Chico.
The one in the hat is Bluejay,
the bald one is his chief of staff,
codenamed Housemartin.

This was taken in Stockholm
two years ago.

Here is a more recent film of Bluejay
in Vienna last October.

Since then, it would appear,
he's been lying low.

Alice has done a breakdown of all
his known haunts in and around London.

I want them all checked.
- Jock, take these.
- Sir.

- Gray.
- Sir.

- Edwards.
- Sir.

- Chico.
- Thank you, sir.

Lastly, if Bluejay has Radcliffe,
he'll sell to the highest bidder

and that's got to be us.
Whoever contacts him must let him
know that we're in the market.

Right, get on with it.
Courtney, I'd like a word with you.

I say, er, my name's Harry.
- I'm Jock.
- Hi.

- Is that his bird?
- No!

Oh. That parade-ground manner of his
doesn't work with women.

- He gave you the treatment, eh?
- I'll say.
