The Ipcress File

Everything's under control, sir.
I'm Palmer.
Get the keys.
This way, sir.
Right, on your feet.
He's dead, sir.
Looks as if Bluejay beat us to it.
I want to see his charge sheet.
That's the one, sir.
"Charged with unlawful possession
of a suitcase."

- Where's the suitcase?
- The other gentleman took it.

- Did you see what was in it?
- Electrical equipment.

"Arrested near Sandersons."
What's Sandersons?

It's a disused factory, sir.
- Is that an outside phone?
- Yes, sir.

- 225 Wellington Street.
- Calling Dalby?

Up Dalby. I need a TX-82.
You'll never get it, man.
I did learn something working for Ross.
- Keightley.
- 'Hello, Pat.

- 'It's Harry Palmer.'
- What's up?

I want your help.
Housemartin's dead and I need a TX-82.

You need a 3H security clearance.
What's your authority?

Authority? CC1.
All right, Harry, if you say so.
Give me the time and place.
2:30. They're late.
