The Sons of Katie Elder

And two,
another man came to town today.

I understand he's real good with a gun.
_ Who is he?
_ I don't know. He's a stranger.

But I understand he hires out.
And three,
I've got myself a young deputy

who's real conscientious about his job.
_ Am I wanted for anything, Billy?
_ No.

_ Then I got a good idea.
_ Yeah?

You send that young deputy over
to run that other fellow out of town.

I guess that'd be one way of doing it.
The only thing is,
he's not wanted for anything, either.

I come to town to see Ma buried,
and to maybe say hello to my brothers.

_ Any objections?
_ No.

_ Fine.
_ You want to see the boys, go that way.

_ You won't have to go through town.
_ The ranch is over there.

Not any more.
Morgan Hastings owns it now.

Kate was living in the Lupin place
when she died.

_ When did that happen, Billy?
_ Your pa was killed six months ago.

_ Who did it?
_ I haven't been able to find out.

Don't do anything foolish.
You've been trying hard
not to tell me something. What is it?
