The Sons of Katie Elder

you buried him, too, didn't you, Henry?
Yeah, high_spirited he was. And he
wasn't a man to back down to anyone.

I remember when he was challenged
by old Thad to a duel.

Your daddy
had the choice of weapons,

and it being the Fourth of July, says
Bass, "I choose Roman candles."

Well, sir,
they stepped off the ten paces,

Iit the Roman candles,
then they started popping.

Thad dark as thunder, Bass laughing,
those balls of fire bouncing off him,

him laughing so hard
he was missing Thad by six feet.

Finally, one of those balls of fire
landed in your daddy's pants.

He grabbed his bottom, ran for
the watering trough, sat down in it.

It was the funniest duel I ever saw!
I declare it was.
How did he die, Henry?
From what I could see,
he was shot in the back.

Did anybody try to find out who did it?
I don't know about those things.
You'd better ask Billy, or Ben Latta.

All right, Henry.
I figured he'd go to the bank
and the store.

But what was he doing
at Hyselman's so long?

_ Do you want me to ask him?
_ It wouldn't hurt to ask. But just talk.
