The Sons of Katie Elder

Even if I did, I couldn't prove it.
_ We can help.
_ I don't need any help.

Isn't it a little late
to be wondering what happened?

_ Who shot him, Billy?
_ John, stop digging around.

All it'll get you is trouble.
Miss Gordon, I want to talk to you
about Katie's things.

She didn't have much,
but we'd be pleased,

and I'm sure she'd want you
to have anything of hers that you liked,

Iike maybe the rocking chair,
and things like that.

Why, thank you, John.
I'd like that very much.

Fine. I'll bring them by.
I can't stand a man
that forces himself on a girl

who wouldn't be caught dead with him.
They're sure a fine pair, Mr Hastings.
The finest.
_ Southern hospitality, huh?
_ Sorry, gentlemen.

No offence, I was feeling the balance.
Finest duelling pistols ever made.

_ You're two of the Elder boys?
_ That's right.

I'm sorry about your mother.
She was a wonderful woman.

After your father lost the ranch
and passed on,

I offered to pay her for the ranch,
but she wouldn't hear of it.

_ Well, now, why would you do that?
_ Guilt, Mr Elder.

Yes, guilt. I wanted the ranch.
Yes, I needed it.
