The Sons of Katie Elder

I might just have it
made into a stickpin for Sunday.

_ How much would you take for her?
_ I'm going to keep her.

_ I'll give you three dollars.
_ No, I'll keep her for good luck.

There goes my wedding!
My girl saw me with my patch once.

_ She turned away.
_ You look all right to me.

Pretend you're a girl, and you can see
it spoils my manly beauty. Right, boys?

_ Sell it back to him.
_ All right, all right, I'll sell her.

_ Five dollars.
_ Split the difference, and I'll buy a drink.

Whiskey for the gentleman,
give me one, and one for the kid.

Aren't you going
to put it back in again?

Put it back in?
It'd be a little crowded in there.

Be a little crowded in there.
Maybe that's funny to you,
but not to me.

I say you're a liar and a cheat,
just like your old man.

_ You knew my old man?
_ Well enough. He was a drunk, too.

_ Liar!
_ He's only a kid.

Stay out of this! He thinks he can
ride along on his brother's reputation.

I don't think so much
of his brother, either.

_ He ain't armed!
_ But I am.

_ Stay out of this, Bud.
_ No!

I don't think he's got the nerve.
_ Give him a gun.
_ The boy didn't mean nothing.

He called me a liar.
All I did was tell the truth.

You can take mine, kid.
Go on, pick it up.
I say he comes from a no_good family
that don't have the nerve...
