
Get the submarine up quickly and
the bombs loaded in the containers.

Kutze, areyou pleased
with your new toys?

Some new safety device.
A secret control.

What can they have that the great
Ladislav Kutze cannot handle?

Life was much simpler
in myWarsaw laboratory.

Your share will amount to
how many Nobel Prizes?

Pull forward!
More. Hold it!
Paris, sir.
Number One on the scrambler.

NumberTwo speaking.
Phase two completed.

NumberTwo has done well,
unlike Count Lippe...

whose choice ofAngelo might have
jeopardized the success ofour project.

Send a message to the Execution Branch.
You will write,
or telephone at the least.

Day by day. I'm truly sorry
I have to dash off like this.

There's been a bit
ofa flap at the office.

- What kind ofwork doyou do?
- I travel...

sort ofa licensed troubleshooter.
Mr. Angelo. Heart attack last night.
I'm not surprised.
- Keep in touch.
- Anytime,James. Anyplace.

Another time, another place.
