A Man for All Seasons

You know that Wolsey named you
for chancellor?

Before he died, Wolsey named you,
and Wolsey was no fool.

He was a statesman
of incomparable ability, Your Grace.

Was he?
Was he so?
Then, why did he fail me?
It was villainy then.
Yes, villainy. Secret opposition, secret.
But deliberate, wilful,
meditated opposition.

Wanted to be pope to master me, Wolsey.
What is it? Thought!
Because I'm simple and plain and deal
with every man straightforwardly.

Because of that I say,
do they take me for a simpleton?

Wolsey was a proud man, Thomas.
Pride right through.
And he failed me.
Failed me in the one thing that matters,
then as now.

But look.
Be seated.
What an evening.
A man could fight a lion.
Some men could, Your Grace.
...touching this matter of my divorce.
Have you thought of it
since we last spoke?

Of little else.
Then you see your way clear to me?
That you should put away
Queen Catherine, sire?

Alas, as I think of it, I see so clearly...
...that I cannot come with Your Grace,
that my endeavour is...

...not to think of it at all.
Then you haven't thought enough!
We have them at Hampton.
Not so fine as this, though.
