
Make a married woman laugh
and you´re halfway there with her.

It don´t work with the single bird.
It´d start you off on the wrong foot.

You get one of them laughing,
you won´t get nothing else.

Just listen to it. It was dead glum
when I met it tonight.

I listened to its problems,
then I got it laughing.

It´II go home happy.
Where´d you tell
your husband you were?

- Pictures with Olive.
- What pictures?

Just the pictures.
Never be vague. It plants suspicion.
No wonder there´s all this
broken marriage and divorce.

It would never occur to him that
another man would wanna take me out.

No, I see what you mean.
Suck this sweet
so he don´t smell the gin.

- I don´t care if he does.
- Be human. Why should we hurt him?

- He´s done us no harm.
- You want everybody happy.

I don´t believe in making anybody
unhappy if I don´t have to.

Or in making an enemy.
You could be crossing the Sahara,
and he´d be the bloke you met.

What about next week?
Same time, same place?

- Maybe.
- L´II go and get my ticket.

She don´t know
we won´t be seeing much more of her.

She´s on her way out.
When a married woman gets too hot on,
it´s time to cool off.

Next thing she´II want
is to introduce me to the husband.

I can see it coming.
- L´II say good night to you, girl.
- The firm´s dance is on Saturday.

- L´II treat you.
- Won´t your old man be there?

Yeah, l´d like you to meet. Night.
Don´t forget your napkin.
l´m like the Boy Scouts,
always prepared.
