
I am expecting Alfie any minute.
There´s a pong in here!
It´s Phul-Nana. The scent of Araby.
Don´t you like it?

No. I like things to smell natural.
l´ve got your meal ready.
Never push things at me
as soon as I come in.

- I like to get my bearings.
- Just as you like it.

That´s enough of that, an´ all.
I saw that geezer Humphrey going off.
Here. You´re not having it off
with him, are you?

Alfie, I can´t bear another man
to come near me since I met you.

I just wondered. Did he just call
to give you these chocolates, then?

No. He called to tell me he loved me.
- Love you? Some men are funny.
- Alfie, do you love me?

Well, shall we say I like you a lot.
Ah, well,
I will have that grub after all.

Hot-water bottle?
She´s getting a bit previous.

- Is today the 22nd?
- Yeah, I think so.

Shouldn´t our little friend
have arrived on the 19th?
