
Don´t worry, he´II turn up.
He always has done.

He´s usually so punctual.
I had a really good day at the café.
I took over £50 on the till.
Isn´t that wonderful?

What´s so wonderful?
It ain´t your money.

I like to think of them doing well.
It keeps me busy.

It´s time you started that fiddle,
playing the piano on the till.

Alfie, I couldn´t.
That´s the only till in London
that ain´t bent.

Luigi and his wife
treat me like family.

All the more reason to do ´em.
Alfie, l´m happy as I am.
You could still be happy
with a few hundred quid in the bank.

Now, look.
The one thing you´ve got to get
into that head of yours

is that nobody helps you
in this life.

You´ve got to help yourself.
If you fiddled five bob a day,

you´d have 200 nicker
on one side by now.

Money isn´t everything.
Only people who ain´t got none
say that.

l´ve had a fiddle
on every job l´ve done.

A fiddle gives you an interest
in your work.

I believe that everybody should
take an interest in their work,

There´s another little job done.
- You sound cheerful, Elkins.
- Some mornings, I feel chirpy.

Yeah? Not all that chirpy
on what l´m paying you.

You must be working a nice fiddle.
That´s defamation of character.
l´II report you.

Come off it. How do you think
I got where I am?

l´m quite satisfied
as long as you do the job well.

But don´t get greedy,
otherwise you´II kill the goose.

I tumbled at once.
I shouldn´t whistle.

Never be cheerful
if you´re doing a fiddle.

You´re getting careless.
