
The bloke who sold it to me
said it was a real rich kid´s teddy.

Here, do you fancy an hour´s kip,
girl, while he´s asleep?

Cloth ears! L´m talking to you.
Humphrey´s been to see me
twice this week at lunch time.

What´s he after? A bit on the side?
Nothing like that.
We just talked a bit.

Don´t tell me what you talked about,
because I don´t want to know!

One thing I can´t bear to hear about
is a bird and a bloke
having innocent talks together.

I think it´s more intimate
than the other.

What is he after?
He wants to marry me.
- What did you tell him?
- That l´d talk it over with you.

Why talk it over with me?
You´re a free agent.

- Malcolm needs a father.
- What do you think I am?

I don´t mean just a weekend father,
I mean a proper father.

Yeah, well,
we all need proper fathers.

And proper mothers, too,
come to that.

It seems there´s just not enough
to go around these days.

I don´t love him.
I don´t know what love is,
the way you birds talk about it.

But I respect him.
Well, you´d better marry him, then,
hadn´t you?

You´ve got young buster in there
to think about.

l´II be seeing you.
