Caccia alla volpe

Excuse me.
-Hello, Aldo.
-Hello, Aldo.

You got wonderful color this week.
l am foreman of the vegetable garden...
...and now before you all starve to death....
-Sausages! Prosciutto!

For my mamma, a young spring chicken.
For my sweet sister, Gina...
...magazines, chocolates
and American shampoo.

No cigarettes?
Plain or filter?
Aldo you make us so ashamed.
So ashamed.
A prisoner has responsibilities.
You don't have to be
a prisoner much longer.

You think l need keys to get out of prison?
When l am ready
l can walk out of this place.

-Hey, Luigi.

You've got a hole in your pants.
But we need you.
Something big has come up.

-Very big.
-The gold of Cairo.

How did you know?
They say it's worth millions.
What is a man's family worth?
Can you count a mother's love?
Can you spend a sister's kiss?
l want to see my Gina dressed in silks.
l want to see her wearing
a white wedding gown.

But who would marry the sister of a thief?
l would.
Another thief.
lf only l could steal enough
to become an honest man.

Don't touch my mamma's chicken.
-Time's up.
-Time's up. Everybody out.

What about a job?
l gave you a job.
l hold you responsible for my mamma.

l hold you responsible for my sister.
l hold you responsible for the chicken.
