Hold your cards, it's not a winner.
Novanta under the ''N.''
Mamma, what's going on here?
What is all this?
lt's bingoli. You want to play?
Give him a card.
lt's 500 lire.
ls this all you have to say
to me after seven months?
Me, your own son?
l have no son. l have a due under the ''B.''
Riconto, please.
A due under the ''B.''
-Due under the ''B.''
-Pay attention!
-Pay attention!
-l didn't understand.
Mamma, is this how l find you, the mother
of my sister, running a bingoli game?
What should l do? Rob a bank?
l am a mother, not a fox.
l am not a Fox, l am a son.
You are not a son, you are a disgrace.
Shame on you.
A son's place is at home
to take care of his old mother.
And his helpless sister.
Like her son, her son, her son, her son.
Yes, it's true.
Shame on you! Shame.
Spin the wheel, Teresa.
No, l forbid it.
Do you hear me? l forbid it.
The police are on their way.
Quattro under the ''B.''
Nove under the ''l.''
-Hey, you! Get those out of the way.
-No, you take your car back.
-Mamma, where's Gina?
-Riconto, please.
-Mamma, tell me.
-Teresa, ecco.
Sedici under the ''G,'' under the ''G''!
Where is Gina?
Where? On the streets, that's where.
You mean my sister is a....
And we have a winner.
No, l don't believe it.
lt's true.
Cinquanta under the ''O.''
Ventisette under the ''l.''
Who told you this lie?
Lie? Go see for yourself.
She's on the Via Veneto right now.
-Go see if it's a lie.
-Right, l will.