You hear that voice?
You don't listen to that voice.
You feel that voice in here....
And you wait....
-You wait till we start to work together.
-Work together?
Cigarette, Harry.
He's meditating.
l see a beach.
The waves pounding against the shore.
A beautiful girl,
her heart beating against her breast.
l see a tall, handsome man.
Harry, a light.
-What was l seeing?
-A tall, handsome man.
l don't see it.
ln a trench coat.
Now l see it, now l see it.
l can hear their hearts beating as one.
l can hear the roar of the ocean.
And finally...
...l can hear the music of love.
You're not crying?
My music does not make you cry?
lt's beautiful.
Hello? Just a minute. Milano.
Hello? Sofia!
Hello, my darling.
No, Sofia, l told you.
l'm busy with Tony Powell.