Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round

But he always smelled like vanilla.
He used to drink that extract
when he couldn't get wine.

You couldn't let him breathe on you,
so I'd stand behind him.

And he'd get mad.
He'd get mad and hit me.

Even now, doctor, when I smell
something sweet, I get dizzy.

We've discussed association before.
In relation to odours, it's quite common.

Yes, Eli?
To me, no odour's really distasteful...
:02:40 the sense that I don't associate it
with a psychological problem.

As a matter of fact, there are
certain scents that arouse in me...

...a series of rather pleasant memories.
Like... when I was a bellboy
in a Chicago hotel.

I was 14 years old.
My first job.

And in an elevator,
I learned to tell the size of a tip...

:03:09 the cologne the guest
was wearing.

That hotel was really an education.
As a bellboy, you had to be
a supplier of sorts.

After-hours booze for the lushes,
grass for the potheads...

...and girls for the needy.
And it was amazing
how you could identify these people...

...and their desires with your nose.
My mother, she always smelled good...
...especially when she was going out.
Which reminds me...
I was... 10.
Before my father died...
