How to Steal a Million

Who's in charge here?
Sir! At your service!
Dubois, Assistant Deputy Chairman,
Commissioner of Tourism.

lsn't this place cleaned regularly?
Look at this sleeve,
just from brushing against the woodwork.

l'm sorry, but we have
a complete staff of cleaning women.

Once a month, l suppose.
No, sir, every night,
from midnight until 4:00 a.m.

See they do their jobs properly,
or l'll make a report.

Yes, sir.
-Carry on.
-Thank you, sir.

-This way.

Don't you think it's being a bit pushy,
starting with a million-dollar robbery?

l mean, we've got to walk
before we can run, you know.

l know a little gallery
we could knock over...

just to get our feet wet
so to speak and then...

gathering confidence as we go,
we could move into the big time.

-No good?
-No good at all.

Next question.
Why must it be this particular work of art?
Well, you don't think l'd steal something
that didn't belong to me, do you?
