Made in U.S.A.

I hate the police.
I can not describe this feeling
in any words.

That girl.
She killed my uncle.
He is a fool.
Wait outside.
That girl.
I hate the police.
I can not describe this feeling
in any words.

You have traded with Typhus, right?
No, it's a mistake.
Is it?
Then I think.
That is friendship without trade.
in other words,
you will meet in any way, right?

So it is.
What do you want?
This Mr Typhus is not
the old Liutenant Jo Attila.

I have nothing to tell you.
Always like this.
Police in Paris thinked
local people of fools.

Do you want to say anything?
Richard's friend?
I have nothing to tell you.
25 Bon Hocht Road
He has been working there
for three months since Jan 25th.

What about others?
Waiting for the bus.
