
-What are the kids saying?

They must taIk about it at recess.
Not to me.
But between themseIves?
Nothing. Just Iike their parents.
What do they say?
Rubbish, that's aII.
We're going round in circIes.
Six attacks and the same name
crops up every time, Manou.

Without any proof.
He aIways has a soIid aIibi.
PIus, he's saved many Iives.
What devotion!
Just to put us off the scent.

He risked his Iife.
Are you tired?
No, it's nothing.
The chiIdren are on their own.
I must get back.

Let her go, it's not her.
I know who it is, it's Mademoiselle.

How do you know?
Because she smokes. I saw her.
Are you waiting for him
to burn down the whoIe town?

Be quiet. There's his boy.
Late for schooI, eh?
But if he Ieaves....
He must go. It's the onIy soIution.
