Return of the Seven

Had me a quiet woman once.
Outside she was calm as Sunday.
Inside she was wild
like mountain scenery.

I'm gonna ride back that way again
one of these days.

- Where's that?
- Sonora Town.

- I was there once.
- Once?

- You mean you didn't go back?
- For what?

Well, there's over ten head of females
for every male in Sonora, thas for what.

And I oughta know. I went through
over half of 'em one night.

And woulda got around to the rest of 'em
if I hadn't pulled a leg muscle.

I was buckin' horses this side of the line
and sellin' 'em tame up in Deming.

Now, a good amount of 'em
was no more than hoorah girls...

...but the way I look at it,
a woman's a woman.

Ain't that right, Frank?
You talk too much, Colbee.
Since when can a man
talk too much about a woman?

- Since when?
- Colbee!

- You take the first watch.
- But you said Vin was a'gonna.

I changed my mind. Go on.
You didn't have to do that, Chris.
I wouldn't push him into a fight,
if thas what you think.

If you had, you might have
been in trouble. He's fast.

Fast as you are?
I'd hate to have to live on the difference.
I'll remember that.
Do that.
