Return of the Seven

(in Spanish) He escaped -
and see what they did.

My poor little one.
The Devil's Spine.
It ranges from the headwaters
of the Concho, north to the border.

According to the woman, her husband
escaped from a village about here.

Thas where they're holding
Chico and the others.

- Did he say why?
- He wasn't there long enough to find out.

But there ain't no village between
the Devil's Spine and the Concho.

- Thas what the man said.
- He was a long time in the desert, Chris.

He coulda been out of his head,
got turned around.

- He found his way here, didn't he?
- I'll catch up the horses.

We'll leave in the morning.
Ride out tonight, we could save time.
Use up our animals, we'll be on foot.
We'll leave in the morning.
Better get some sleep.
You too, Colbee.
I wish to hell I knew for sure.
Knew what?
If I'm here because Chico's a friend, or if
I'm just on the prod for a fight like Frank.

Killin' can get inside of you.
And you think thas happened to you.
Why else would I be here?
Sure, Chico's a friend of mine, but...
Hell, I don't even know his last name.
Neither do I.
