Tanin no kao

What were they showing?
A young girl was sitting
in front of me.

She was alone at first, but later
a man came and sat beside her.

There were other seats, but
he sat right next to her.

I'll leave the rest to
your imagination.

Such a bold fellow he was.
Paid no attention to anybody.

She let him?
I think so.
I mean, I don't really know
what went on between them.

Something may or
may not have happened.

But I was shocked to realize
he's just like a masked man!

Long ago, hangmen used to wear masks.
I wonder if they felt the same.

I'm watching you closely.
You feel you're looking at
holes in a wall, don't you?

What do you mean?
Nothing in particular.
Some monsters want to look
like people, and vice versa.

Even monsters have their pleasures.
So spare me your sympathy!
Hey, beauty!
Don't be stuck up.
Say something.
