Tanin no kao

But I'm myself.
Nothing can change that.

I hope.
What's that?
A drink, please.
I said at first I was
reluctant to do this work.

As an experiment, I was curious,
but I felt it was dangerous.

But I gave in and agreed.
Please drink this.
Practice using your lips.
And this medicine.
What is it?
Is it difficult to drink?
Not exactly.
Fine, if you don't spill it.
Can I drink hot things?
Of course, anything.
Injection, Doctor?
Yes, give him one now.
I feel I'm smothering.
Bear with it a bit more.
What were we talking about?
Why a shot?
Yes... about my fear.
The effect the mask might
cause you internally.

Please don't exaggerate.
Do you feel a prickling

No, but I don't feel
it's a part of me yet.

No feeling of fresh air
coming in?

I feel like I'm in an oven.
