The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

My fellow citizens of Rachel.
Well, the electrician
must be a Democrat.

Atta boy, Carl.
Rachel has been humming
for the past few days,

and I really don't have to
tell you why.

There's been an old house
in this town for years...

that, if the truth
be known,

folks have been afraid
to go near.

I know I have.
But one of our very own
had the pluck to go in.

And that name has been
on every tongue.

And the name of that person
who's been on every tongue...

is none other than... and I
really don't have to say it...

Luther Heggs!
Thank you, Mayor,
and fellow Rachelanians.

That electrician
must be a Democrat.

Thank you, M-Mayor,
and fellow Rachelanians.

I am proud
to be here today.

Atta boy, Luther.
