The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

Step up, please.
I'm sorry, Mr. Heggs.
Boy, that was just about the
best pounded steak I ever ate.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Mother
really is a wonderful cook.

Oh, yes, she is.
Boy, a guy could get fat.

What was that you just did? Oh,
that was just... That's karate.

I didn't know you knew karate. Oh, yeah.
I've been studying it
by mail for years.

My whole body's a weapon.
Well, that's worthwhile. Yeah.
Would you like to sit
down? Oh, sure. Mm-hmm.

It's nice out.

I guess you think I'm worried
about this trial business tomorrow.

Oh, well... Well, it's
all part of the game.

A newspaper man has to
do whatever comes along.

Everything will be
all right. You'll see.

I've never been on one
of those stands before.

You'll do just fine.
