The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini

You know...
I don't like this one tiny little bit.
No one does, Hiram, baby.
That's why I'm here,
to help you get up there.

Is there a chance for me?
What do I have to do?
Why don't you just get out
of your nice little coffin...

and I'll give you the scam?
You have 24 hours
in which to mastermind one good deed...

if you want to spend eternity with me.
A good deed? Good heavens!
I'm a little out of practice.
I wouldn't know where to begin.

I can't coach you.
It has to be your idea, pussycat.
And another thing:
You can't leave the crypt.

I can't... Then how can I do a good deed?
Anything you want done, I'll do.
And if you're successful,
there's a bonus in it for you.

A bonus? Tell me, what is it?
You'll notice
there is a discrepancy in our ages.

Since you've mentioned it,
if you look closely...

That's because I stopped aging
when I was in the accident.

And you, my poor friend,
kept getting older and older...

Never mind that, tell me about the bonus.
The bonus is, if you succeed
in doing one good deed...

they promised you'd be young again.
Young again? Oh, Cecily, my dear.
Then once more, you and I could trip
together hand in hand...

through the sweet smelling fields
of new-mown clover...

to enjoy the moonlight
of a warm summer's night...

Let's not get sickening, chickie-baby.
Time's a-wasting.

You've got to pull off
a good deed, remember?

Yes, I know, I'm thinking.
Wait a minute.
How long have I been dead?
