The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini

We'll have to postpone the séance, that's all.
Hiram Stokely would never show up
with all that racket going on.

Unless his ghost digs the Watusi.
I could have told you
nothing would come of it.

How could the old pirate, in a few minutes...
come all the way up here
from all the way down there?

Mr. Ripper, you haven't told me yet
how you like my little nephew.

I didn't know you had any living relatives.
Well, I don't. Unless you count Goo-Goo.
How about you two?
Are you similarly endowed?
I mean, with living relatives?

I don't see what difference it makes, but no.
I see.
This Goo-Goo appears to be a charming lad.
I'd like him to meet my daughter, Sinistra.
- Well, I'd be...
- Sinistra?

You must be joshing.
My dear young man, I am not a josher.
- Shall we?
- Delighted.

And then there were two.
Correction. One. I'm going to my room.
Wait a minute.
Now, we just met this morning.

Now, I've heard of love at first sight,
but never hate. Why?

Because you're a fortune hunter.
Me? A fortune hunter?
Certainly. I mean,
why would Hiram Stokely...

a complete stranger,
remember you in his will?

I don't know. By the same token,
why should he remember you?

You never heard of him before, either,
did you?

- No.
- All right.

Now, we both know someone's trying
to scare us out of here.

Now, if we team up, we'll be twice as strong.
What do you say?

All right. It's a deal.
We will not be scared.
- A business relationship.
- Strictly business.
