The Professionals

$1 00,000 for a wife?
She must be a lot of woman.

Certain women have a way
of changing some boys into men...

-...and some men back into boys.
-That's a woman worth saving.

-Where are we going?
-The Painted Mountains.

That's right.
-You want us to go back to Mexico?
-This time strictly for cash.

-What's the deal?
-$1 0,000 per man, for nine days' work.

More money than we ever realized
out of all our schemes put together.

No detours!
I made us a contract. All the way.
-They know who took the woman?

Our Raza? A kidnapper?
-Grant's got a ransom note to prove it.
-Well, I'll be damned.

Most of us are.
Last week Mrs. Grant went riding.
Across the border.
She was born in Mexico.
I suppose she got lonely for it.
By the time we were alarmed,
the note of ransom arrived.

You'll want to know how she looks.
Those were taken four years ago
on our wedding day.
