The Professionals

?Dónde estàn tus compañeros?
- ?No nos conocemos?
- Desde aquí, te pareces a mí.

- ?Para qué has venido?
- Vas a reírte.

No estaría bien reírse
de un hombre que va a morir.

He venido porque me gusta
el tequila.

Y vuestras mujeres.
?Lo ves? Te has reído.
Volveré a preguntàrtelo.
?Dónde estàn tus amigos?

Ya te lo he dicho.
Siempre viajo solo.

Es un sacrilegio morir
con una mentira en la lengua.

The bottle.
Where are your friends, amiao?
Here have a drink.
These shoes will be mine if they fit.

-Hey, don't I know you?
-Well, from here you look like me.

-Why you come to this place?
-You'll laugh.

It is not proper to laugh at a man
who is about to die.

I came because I'm crazy
about your tequila.

And I like your women.
See? You laugh.
What a funny guy, huh?
I'm gonna ask again.
Where are your friends?

I told you. I always travel alone.
It is a sacrilege to die
with a lie in your teeth.
