The Rare Breed

That woman has taken over my fort.
Right there.
The entire place
stinks of laundry soap.

Madam, if you do not care
to get snowed in...

I suggest that you hitch up
your wagon and head for Dodge.

I don't intend to head for anywhere
until Jamie recovers.

I'm glad to hear it.
[Dog barking]
He's feeling better
if you care to know.

And furthermore, we can't leave...
until you understand
how to take care of Vindicator.

Now, tomorrow, I would like
to go out and select some cows.

- Select?
- Yes, for breeding purposes.

Madam, out here
is the fit that survive...

and if that creature of yours
cannot select his own cows...

he is not fit to live here.
I think it may be a good idea
if you take a wee peek...

at some of these
prospective brides...

you're figuring to match up
with that Hereford of yours.

- Thas precisely my intention.
- Good.

You come on the morrow...
and I'll hunt up a longhorn cow
for you...

and then you'll see for yourself
why I think that bull of yours...

will not be the father of a calf.
It won't be exactly the kind of
a hunt you'd expect, ma'am.
