The Sand Pebbles

Looks like you ain't
runnin' this ship after all, Lop-eye.

Sir, is it wise
overruling Lop-eye about the coolie?

That's not what l've done.
The crew wants Po-han off the ship.

They believe Stawski about
what happened in the engine room.

- You believe Holman, sir?
- Not necessarily, but he makes more sense.

But Lop-eye fired Po-han. He'll lose face
if Holman makes the crew change their mind.

Unlikely as that is, it might serve a purpose.
Lop-eye has a tendency
to forget his place from time to time.

That's right. That's what happened, Holman.
The slopehead hit me and you jumped
me before l had a chance to kill him.

- Right, Perna?
- Just like that.

You're lucky l busted it up when l did.
lf he'd have hit ya, he woulda killed ya.

The slopehead woulda killed me?
You never... You ever see a slopehead fight?
- You guys saw a slopehead fight.
- Yeah.

Holman, you're crazy.
He woulda killed the Chink.

- He woulda put out your lights.
- Who says so?

- l got 50 bucks that says so.
- l'll take it.

- You got any more?
- l'll take some of that.

Now, wait a minute. Hold it, hold it.
Hold it! Hold it! Just one minute! Hold it!

Who's gonna do the fightin' here? Now,
l don't go for it unless you bet me $100.

- You holdin' $100?
- Yeah, l'm holdin' $100.

And l need $200
to buy myself a very special present.

$100 says he'll take you.
