The Sand Pebbles

Detail, halt.
Mr Jameson.
Miss Eckert, how nice to see you again.
Left face!
Mr Bordelles, this is Major Chin
of the Nationalist Chinese Army.

- What is your mission here, Mr Bordelles?
- l ask you that, Major Chin.

- This compound is American property.
- lt is Chinese soil.

l have authority under Chinese law
to commandeer it for battalion headquarters.

You have no right to be here under arms.
l will have you escorted back to your ship.

Let me warn you, Major Chin.
lf your superior officers are not prepared
to go to war against the United States,

they will undoubtedly disavow
your actions and make amends.

Do you understand my meaning?
lt has happened before.

All too often before.
But we've had enough of that now.

l will quote your own history to you,
Mr Bordelles.

''lf you mean to have a war, let it begin here.''
Gentlemen, please. Mr Bordelles,
we're perfectly safe here with Major Chin.

You may have your men sling arms,
or you may have them lay down their arms.

You may go under escort or under full arrest.
That is all the choice l will give you.

And you must make it now.
Present arms.
Sling... arms.
