The Sand Pebbles

Nationalist troops have Nanking.
They're killing American treaty people.

British and American ships have shelled
the city. Marines are landing in Shanghai.

Sir? Treaty people are being directed
to flee to the coast for their lives.

Plan Red will be put into effect
upon confirmation from Washington.

Mr Bordelles, get Franks.
Come into my cabin, all of you.
What happened this morning
has not gone down on paper yet.

lt is not history unless it goes down on paper.
What is going down on paper for
the end of San Pablo is quite different.

Our radio communications are out of order.
They're out of order.

We are therefore on our own.
Not hampered by orders from above.
At dawn we will get underway.
We will proceed into the lake.

Then, instead of turning downriver
to Shanghai, we will cross the lake,

and turn up the Chien River to China Light.
Our objective will be to rescue
the missionaries at China Light.

After the slaughter at Nanking
they will be desperate for rescue.

We will make one last,
savage thrust deep into China,

and if the San Pablo dies,
she dies clean.

lt is my responsibility to the ship.
And to the men.
They've been put through intolerable strain.
They rate this... last chance.
