The Trouble with Angels

and helps raise funds
for a small mission outside of Nairobi.

I have just decided to appoint her
as head of our Social Action Committee.

I guess that's for picketing things.
Now, let me see. Sister Celestine.
Sister Celestine teaches music
and conducts the band.

We hope some of you new girls
will join the band.

Talent is desirable but not essential.
Think they can use a silent piano player?
You have all met Sister Clarissa...
who is in charge
of our physical education program...

and teaches religion. Thank you, Sister.
There's one more sister
that I would like you to know.

She no longer teaches,
but is very much a part of St. Francis.

Sister Prudence.
Sister seems to be taking a nap.
Some of you may not know
that St. Francis is not only a school...

but the motherhouse of our order.
It's where the young sisters come
for their novitiate...

and the old sisters retire. We also...
As you can hear,
we are sadly in need of a new boiler.

We're very fortunate
that such a lovely estate...

was donated to us by Mr. Walter Gaffney.
But, our order sometimes does not have
sufficient funds for its proper maintenance.

Between the hour of 5:00 and 6:00
every afternoon...

we ask that our students
be as quiet as possible.

This is the time
when all the sisters attend chapel.

It is their hour of prayer and meditation.
The Holy Cloister,
which is the sisters' home...

is off-limits to the entire student body.
We know that you'll respect this.
And now, we will say grace
and have our dinner.

You may remain seated.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...
