The Trouble with Angels

- Now I'll show you Mother Superior's room.
- Oh, my Lord.

How do you know
it's Mother Superior's room?

It's got the king-size crucifix, that's how.
- Look, isn't it pretty?
- It sure doesn't look like much to me.

What do you expect for 35 cents?
Hair shirts?

Isn't it fun?
Come on, girls. Time's pressing.
Marvel-Ann, come on.
Next, we'll show you where the sisters eat,
and then the novices.

- Come on.
- Step lively, ladies.

- What's upstairs?
- You'll see that later.

- Now come on, Marvel-Ann.
- I think we've been had.

I've seen enough.
Maybe we better get out of here.

Come on, don't be such a goon.
I hope the sisters' rooms
are better than Mother Superior's.

- Would you stop complaining, Marvel-Ann?
- Get your hands off me!

- Big mouth.
- Now, girls, calm down.

Come on, don't push.
This is the private dining room,
where Mother Superior and the sisters eat.

Come along.
- This must be Mother Superior's chair.
- Oh, yeah, God.

Well, it's not exactly the Jolly Tea Room.
All right, ladies, we're off.
Time's passing, no time to lose.

- Come on.
- That way.

Marvel-Ann, come on.
Try moving.
Now, ladies,
kindly descend to the lower level.

Now, this concludes our tour, ladies.
