The Trouble with Angels

- Be careful, girls.
- Where shall we put it, Sister?

Put it right back over there.
Don't bump the table.

- That's coming along nicely, dear.
- Thank you, Sister.

However, I don't think
we need any more of these.

Valerie, that's beautiful!
Absolutely beautiful.
Just put it right over there...

- Right over there.
- I'm sorry, Sister.

Charlotte, that's very imaginative.
I don't know what it is,
but it's very imaginative.

Beautiful. Just beautiful.
- Sister Elizabeth.
- Reverend Mother.

- Excuse me. May I speak with the girls?
- Of course. Girls.

- Gather around. Quickly.
- This won't take a minute.

Because it's the holiday season...
Sister Rose Marie has baked
double her usual quota of éclairs.

Sister Rose Marie's mission
is sadly in need of new books.

Therefore, the price of the éclairs
has been increased to 50 cents.

I knew you'd all be pleased.
Sister put the tray down. It's heavy.
Also, Sister has arranged...
for our student body to visit
the County Home for the Aged.

Our girls will serve refreshments,
do the dishes...

and entertain with songs and readings.
Naturally, this is all on a voluntary basis...
so, will all of you who plan to participate
please raise your hands?
