This Property Is Condemned

Mama says what are you doing
back here and Mr Johnson's leaving.

You tell your mama that after all
the dancing I done tonight with Sidney,

I am resting and unavailable.
Sidney took you dancing? Where to?
Oh, no place much.
- Just the Peabody Hotel.
- The Peabody Hotel!

Sidney took you all the way
to the Peabody Hotel in Memphis? Wow!

- Did he buy you dinner?
- Willie, you don't start with dinner.

They have cocktails or highballs.
Or French champagne,
which is sweet and exceedingly bubbly.

And when you drink it and start dancing,
the whole place,

with its diamond-crystal chandeliers
and the waiters in the red jackets

and the menus with tassels on them,
all get dizzy and shaky,

like it'll all come down on you.
But you have to hide it and so you say,
"Tipsy? I'm not the slightest bit tipsy.

"It is just your magnificent dancing
makes me breathless!"

Then he stops and holds your blushing,
soft face in his hands and he says:

"Miss Starr, Miss Willie Starr,
"surely you are the most beautiful
creature I have ever seen."

That the same Peabody Hotel
in Memphis

where they have the alligators and ducks
swimming in that pond in the lobby?

Yes, the very same one.
Yeah, I'd like to see that.
Thank you for the supper, Willie.

I'd like to see how they stop the alligators
eating the ducks

in that little pond that they all swim in.
Makes you think... doesn't it?
Smart Alec!
