This Property Is Condemned

Hey, Alva...
That's the Hummingbird Express.
It surely is a long train.
It's a long train. And an empty one.
You know, that train is going
to New Orleans.

God, I'd like to get out of here
and see a place like New Orleans.

Alva, maybe you could.
I think more than any place
in the whole world, I'd like to go there.

Get out of this place,
this sad old house.
It's gonna fall apart anyway.
And go to New Orleans.
Maybe when it's Mardi gras.

I just wish sometimes that old express
would jump off those old tracks,

right up here, right through the grass,
right through me

and carry me off to points unknown.
I'd better go on in now, Sidney.
Are you all right?
I'm all right.
I just can't find a cool place.
It's just as hot outside as it is in here.

I'm going to bed.
