This Property Is Condemned

- Y'all having lunch?
- No.

Fresh air.
- You oughtn't to be here.
- That's what I kept telling myself.

- I don't think those men will like...
- I know.

- Ooh! They call this fainting weather.
- What?

When it's heavy and close like this,
only some call it hurricane weather.

You leaving tomorrow?
Why did you come down here today?
I don't know. I just wanted to see you.
- And besides...
- Watch it.

...l've something to show you.
I mean, something special. Just ahead.
- What time are you leaving tomorrow?
- 10.20.

To New Orleans?
That's right.
Hey... is it really true they bury people
above the ground in New Orleans?

If they didn't, the graves would flood.
I suppose the worst part of being buried
underground is being unable to breathe.

I don't suppose you ever had that
feeling... not being able to breathe.

- No.
- How could you?

You've never been stuck any place.
Hey, look!

Come on!
