Torn Curtain

Do you realise you're a traitor?
That's not the way I see it.
You're insane.
How can you talk to someone who's insane?

Sarah, if I can't explain it to you,
I can't explain it to you.

Michael, take me home.
I can't. I'm sorry. I can't, Sarah.
I love you very much.
Would you please take me home?
I'm sorry. I can't.
A-ha, so here you are.
Yes, a very nice room.
Are you comfortable?
Oh, yes, it's just fine.
Well, now we are all settled in,
I suggest we should all have
dinner in the dining room.

- Thank you. I-I'm not hungry.
- You are tired.

Perhaps you would like something up here.
There is room service.

Yes, why don't you do that?
Karl and I will get a bite downstairs.

You can rest for a while.
(Door Closes)
- It's open, Michael.
- It's Karl.

Ju-Just a minute.
Come in.
Oh, a thousand pardons.
