Torn Curtain

Professor Armstrong,
how does it feel to play
the part of a dirty defector?

I saw you on TV in town last night.
You put on a good act.

I've been conditioning myself for a long time.
Come on. Let's take a ride.
What possessed you to bring
your girl on a job like this?

I didn't. She followed me.
That's the whole point.

There are two of us involved
in the escape now.

I can't get her to go home.
Does she know what you're really up to?
No, of course not.
That's good, because if she did,
and ever made any kind of a slip,
these people can play it rough.
I know that.
Look, mister,
why can't you leave this intelligence
work to us professionals?

Cos you wouldn't know what to look for.
The information I'm after is inside the head
of a scientist at Leipzig University.
I've often wondered if you professionals
know what you're looking for
when you go in and steal secret papers.
Anytime I've had to do a job like that,
I just grabbed up the whole lot
and let Control sort them out.

What I'm after can't be got that way.
It takes a scientist to pick a scientist's brain.
I read in this morning's paper
in your interview yesterday

something about Washington
cancelling your anti-missile project.

I couldn't lick the final problem.
But this professor in Leipzig, he has?
